mariadb enterprise price
mariadb enterprise price

專用日誌磁碟區的價格與1,000GiB和3,000IOPS的資料磁碟區相同,並依儲存類型而定。僅在佈建IOPS儲存中支援專用日誌磁碟區。例如,在美國東部(維吉尼亞北部),附接至 ...,12-monthcontract(1);1-Year.MariaDBEnterpriseServer.$4,800.00 ...,實際定價可能會根據與Mic...

MariaDB Pricing - Database Management Software

TheAverageCostofabasicDatabaseManagementSoftwareplanis$19permonth.37%ofDatabaseManagementSoftwareofferaFreeTrial ...

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Amazon RDS for MariaDB 定價

專用日誌磁碟區的價格與1,000 GiB 和3,000 IOPS 的資料磁碟區相同,並依儲存類型而定。僅在佈建IOPS 儲存中支援專用日誌磁碟區。例如,在美國東部(維吉尼亞北部),附接至 ...

MariaDB Enterprise Server - AWS Marketplace

12-month contract (1) ; 1-Year. MariaDB Enterprise Server. $4,800.00 ...

適用於MariaDB 的Azure 資料庫定價

實際定價可能會根據與Microsoft 簽訂的合約類型、購買日期和目前貨幣匯率而有所不同。價格是根據美元計算,並使用前一個月底最後一個工作天之前兩個工作天內擷取的倫敦即期 ...

Production-Grade Open Source Database

MariaDB Enterprise Platform is engineered to deliver best-in-class performance, data security, replication, clustering and high availability for production ...

Enterprise Database Pricing for MariaDB

MariaDB product and services pricing. Feature comparison of paid MariaDB Enterprise subscription vs. community server with over 30 comparison points.

MariaDB Subscriptions and Services

MariaDB Enterprise Subscription. For business-critical production, test and QA deployments; Certified MariaDB Server with guaranteed version support ...

MariaDB in 2024

評分 6.5/10 (13) Price. • MariaDB enterprise Advanced - $5000/server/year • MariaDB Enterprise Cluster - $6500/server/year • MariaDB Enterprise Standard - $2500/Server/year

MariaDB Pricing - Database Management Software

The Average Cost of a basic Database Management Software plan is $19 per month. 37% of Database Management Software offer a Free Trial ...

Navicat for MariaDB Enterprise Edition

Navicat for MariaDB Enterprise Edition ; Price: $247.00 ; MSRP: $254.15 ; UNSPSC: 43232300 ; Manufacturer: PremiumSoft CyberTech ; Product Type: Shrinkwrap Software ...

Pricing of MariaDB cloud

Enterprise, 8 vCPUs, 32 GB RAM, 200 GB SSD storage, $199/month equal to $0.28/hour, Select ➔. Enterprise, 16 vCPUs, 64 GB RAM, 400 GB SSD ...


專用日誌磁碟區的價格與1,000GiB和3,000IOPS的資料磁碟區相同,並依儲存類型而定。僅在佈建IOPS儲存中支援專用日誌磁碟區。例如,在美國東部(維吉尼亞北部),附接至 ...,12-monthcontract(1);1-Year.MariaDBEnterpriseServer.$4,800.00 ...,實際定價可能會根據與Microsoft簽訂的合約類型、購買日期和目前貨幣匯率而有所不同。價格是根據美元計算,並使用前一個月底最後一個工作天之前兩個工作天內擷取的倫敦即期 ...,MariaDBEn...